Whether gentle or intensive, strength training or regeneration: train the way that suits you!

The right EMS programs for your training goals

Your EMS training– as unique as you are

Your goals, your training: EMS is suitable for (almost) everyone and supports you in achieving your goals. Perhaps you are a complete beginner and have had little interest in sport so far? With EMS by Antelope, you can start very carefully thanks to the special beginner programs. Or are you already training at a professional level and want to get more out of yourself? We not only offer you programs for building strength, but also those that are specifically tailored to sports - from golf and CrossFit to skiing. Or do you simply want to get fit again quickly for your next training session? Then you will benefit from our regeneration programs.

You can find all programs in the free Antelope Go app. You can also save your favorite program directly on the booster. The next time you train, simply press the "lightning bolt" button and off you go!

The multitude of possibilities at Antelope

42 EMS programmes in five categories

Our 42 programs are divided into five categories. This way you can quickly find the right option for you:

A woman with graying, short hair stretches with the mobile EMS suit by Antelope. She sits on a gray exercise ball and looks to her left with a smile as she stretches her right arm over her head. A living room with beige furnishings can be seen in the background.

1. Warm up & Cool down

Our warm-up program prepares your body for the workout. It ensures a good start to your workout. The cool down program helps your muscles to "wind down" after your workout.

Program details

Warm Up

Ready, set, go! Warm up and get your muscles ready for the next training session. The frequency of the stimuli slowly increases during the process: from 7 to 40 stimulations per second. You can choose the period of time during which this increase will take place.

Frequency: 7-40Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 3, 6

Cool Down

Training completed? Great, so relax – and start with the first regeneration for your muscles. The frequency of stimulation slowly decreases during the process: from 40 to 7 stimulations per second. You can select a period of 3 or 6 minutes.

Frequency: 7-40Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 3, 6

A man with graying, short hair performs a fitness exercise in the mobile EMS suit by Antelope. He looks concentrated into the camera while his hands are folded together in front of his chest and his right foot is bent backwards. The man wears a gray beard and has tattoos on both arms. A living room can be seen in the background.

2. Fitness

Everyone is individual and has their own goals. That's why there is no one fitness program for everyone. In this category you will find exactly what suits your training needs: from supportive back or pelvic floor training to several HIIT workouts that will get you sweating.

Our EMS fitness programmes

• Strength
• Fitness
• Fat burn
• Cardio
• HIIT all-rounder
• HIIT combination
• HIIT Antelope
• HIIT strength building
• Back
• Pelvic floor

Our EMS programs for your fitness workouts


The classic EMS strength program: For strong muscle contractions and an increased depth effect. It is suitable for many types of training as well as exercises for targeted strength building. A wide range of stimulation intervals (duty cycles) makes it easy to integrate into any training plan.

Frequency: 85Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: [2,2] [4,2] [4,4] [6,4] [6,6] [8,2] [8,4]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20


Excellent for dynamic movements, many kinds of sports, as well as endurance sessions. Our fitness program is a real all-rounder. It continuously sends impulses to your muscles for effective maximum strength and endurance training. Sports and fitness enthusiasts love this program because of its great versatility.

Frequency: 40Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20


40 seconds of strength, 20 seconds of fat burning: This program supports functional training and activates your metabolism. The first 40 seconds are designed to put your muscles under strain. Over the next 20 seconds, the goal is to increase circulation in the upper layers of the skin and in the fat.

Frequency: 85Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: [4,4]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20


Are you looking for new ways to carry out endurance and cardio training? Then try out our Cardio program. Continuous muscle stimulation allows great freedom when it is integrated into your training routine. The shorter pulse duration of 250 µs is also ideal for longer training sessions of up to 25 minutes.

Frequency: 40Hz

Pulswidth: 250µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20, 25

HIIT Allrounder

Your loyal companion for effective HIIT training. The continuous pulses are ideal for dynamic movements, many training intervals, and endurance exercises. The program is especially popular with athletes and endurance specialists.

Frequency: 40Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 4, 5, 8, 10, 15

HIIT Combination

Interval training plus EMS? That works and – really comes into its own. You should already have experience with HIIT before you venture here. Are you still there? Then take note: One interval lasts 80 seconds. 40 seconds of strength, 20 seconds of endurance, and 20 seconds of regeneration. This means that you always stay at your workout temperature and have a wide range of training stimuli at the same time.

Frequency: 20-85Hz

Pulswidth: 150-400µs

Duty Cycle: [4,4]

Duration (min.): 4, 8, 12

HIIT Antelope

Welcome to a special kind of interval training: The Antelope HIIT program demands maximum performance from you and your body. 30 seconds are made up of 20 seconds of an extremely intensive strength program and 10 seconds of active regeneration. The strength interval is implemented with a duty cycle of 5 seconds.

Frequency: 20-95Hz

Pulswidth: 350-400µs

Duty Cycle: [5,5]

Duration (min.): 4, 8, 12, 15

HIIT strength building

Do you want to build up a lot of strength in a short time? This high-intensity interval program makes it possible. The impulses make your muscles respond powerfully for 40 seconds. This is then followed by a 20-second break.

Frequency: 85Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: [4,4]

Duration (min.): 4, 5, 8, 10, 15


Longer pulses of 400 µs penetrate deeply into the muscles: This program is specifically aimed at the large and deep-lying muscles. The program is suitable for many types of training as well as intensive workouts for building strength.  A wide range of stimulation intervals (duty cycles) makes it easy to integrate into any training plan.

Frequency: 85Hz

Pulswidth: 400µs

Duty Cycle: [2,2], [4,2], [4,4], [6,4], [6,6], [8,2], [8,4]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20

Pelvic floor

Strengthen your core with effective pelvic floor training and the right EMS program! You can train your pelvic floor for 15 minutes using the maximum strength base program. This is followed by 5 minutes with 100 Hz at a one-second – interval, which creates an especially intense stimulus.

Frequency: 85-100Hz

Pulswidth: 150-350µs

Duty Cycle: [1,1], [4,4]

Duration (min.): 20 min

A young woman performs a kickboxing exercise in Antelope's mobile EMS suit. She has brown curls and is looking intently to the right while she stretches her left fist forward and protects her face with her right fist. A boxing studio can be seen in the background.

3. Sport

Want EMS to help you achieve even more in your sport? From running to cycling, boxing to tennis - in this category you will find a variety of sports and program settings tailored to them. They will not only help you build strength for your training goals, but also for upcoming matches or competitions.

Our EMS sport programmes:

• Running
• Cycling
• Boxing
• Skiing
• Golf
• Tennis
• Crossfit
• Activation
• After the competition
• Resistance
Program details


Power yourself up and increase your training intensity while running or jogging. \nOur tip: Only start the program shortly after you have started your training and warmed up. In this way you will create a good connection between the electrodes and your skin.

Frequency: 40Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20, 25


Step on the pedals while the EMS program simultaneously stimulates your muscles: The continuous stimuli are adapted to the load while you are cycling. Choose between short high-intensity training sessions and longer low-intensity training sessions.

Frequency: 40Hz

Pulswidth: 250µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20, 25


Jabs, cross-hits and – punches all call for endurance, speed, and striking power as the decisive factors for success. The boxing program sends continuous impulses to your muscles. This means that you are guaranteed to cut a good figure, whether you are using a punch bag or standing in front of the mirror. The pulse length of 400 µs ensures that your muscles are activated deep down.

Frequency: 40Hz

Pulswidth: 400µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20


Skiing puts your muscles under different types of loads. This high-intensity interval program is reflected in winter sports: The legs and torso receive different training impulses over just 80 seconds. 40 seconds of strength is followed by 20 seconds of endurance and 20 seconds of regeneration. This means that the frequency also changes: 85 Hz, 40 Hz, and 20 Hz.

Frequency: 20-85Hz

Pulswidth: 150-400µs

Duty Cycle: [4,4]

Duration (min.): 4, 8, 12


Improve your stability and tee-off speed without compromising on dynamics. Use the golf program alongside your normal exercises.\nOur tip: Train twice per week with EMS support.

Frequency: 40Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20


Game, set, and match: Get more from your tennis training! Work on your endurance and prepare for your next tennis match. The tennis program is perfect for exercising your striking power and explosive movements more intensively.

Frequency: 40Hz

Pulswidth: 400µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20


What is your workout of the day today? Maximum strength or endurance? No matter what's ahead, you'll get a lot out of the exercise with this program, and you will create an intensive training stimulus! This EMS program is just as versatile as CrossFit itself: 40 seconds of strength followed by 20 seconds of endurance and 20 seconds of regeneration.

Frequency: 20-85Hz

Pulswidth: 150-400µs

Duty Cycle: [4,4]

Duration (min.): 4, 8, 12


Warm yourself as well as your muscles up before the competition: The program stimulates the circulation and brings you up to a workout temperature. Different frequencies ensure that you are well prepared for the strain.

Frequency: 5-70Hz

Pulswidth: 300-350µs

Duty Cycle: [4,4]

Duration (min.): 10

After the competition

After the competition is before the competition: This program promotes active recovery. This means that you can get back to training quickly. A wide range of frequencies loosens your muscles and promotes circulation.\nTip: Select your intensities according to the competitive loading you are used to.

Frequency: 5-100Hz

Pulswidth: 200-350µs

Duty Cycle: [1,1]

Duration (min): 11


A short session of 9 minutes to promote your resistance and prepare yourself. The program uses 3 different frequencies: 50, 60 and 70 Hz to activate your muscles over a wider spectrum. The pulse length of 300 µs ensures a moderate response.

Frequency: 5-70Hz

Pulswidth: 300µs

Duty Cycle: [4,4]

Duration (min.): 9

A middle-aged man performs a strength exercise on a machine in the mobile EMS suit by Antelope. He can be seen from the side as he pulls himself up on a pull-up bar. The man has short brown hair and a brown beard and is looking straight ahead with concentration.

4. Strength building

Support your strength training with EMS: whether maximum strength, strength endurance or speed strength - you will find the right training for every goal with many different duty cycle options. We have a selection for every performance level, from beginner to professional. You can recognize the intensity by the training name.

Our EMS strength building programmes:

• Maximum strength - entry
• Speed - intensive
• Maximum strength - base
• Speed - dynamic
• Maximum strength - intensive
• Endurance - entry
• Maximum strength - dynamic
• Endurance - base
• Rapid strength - entry
• Endurance - intensive
• Speed - base

Our programs for your strength training

Maximum strength - entry

Well suited for EMS beginners who want to increase their maximum strength. The program starts with a lower frequency than the other strength programs, – so you can gradually get used to the stimulation.

Frequency: 75Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: [2,2], [4,2], [4,4], [6,4], [6,6], [8,2], [8,4]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20

Maximum strength - base

Intensive muscle contractions with the EMS classic. This basic program supports your training with an increased depth effect and is very well suited to many types of training. A wide range of stimulation intervals (duty cycles) makes it easy to integrate into any training plan.

Frequency: 85Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: [2,2], [4,2], [4,4], [6,4], [6,6], [8,2], [8,4]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20

Maximum strength - intensive

The name says it all and is aimed at advanced users who want to set a training stimulus over their threshold. With an intensive muscle stimulation of 95 Hz and a high impulse length of 400 µs, you can push your body to the limit.\nTip: Start the training at a moderate level and adjust the intensity to your training load.

Frequency: 95Hz

Pulswidt: 400µs

Duty Cycle: [2,2], [4,2], [4,4], [6,4], [6,6]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20

Maximum strength - dynamic

Prevent your muscles from getting used to the strain - without worrying about the EMS program: The dynamic program randomly varies the pulse frequency. With 75 to 95 Hertz, you can train your maximum strength as usual. Set reliable training stimuli and maintain your training plan at the same time. So let us surprise you and have fun sweating.

Frequency: 75-95Hz

Puls width: 350µs

Duty Cycle: [2,2], [4,2], [4,4], [6,4], [6,6]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20

Rapid strength - entry

For the entry and the first training courses: This speed program has a relatively low pulse length of 300 µs, which means the stimulus acts more superficially. This puts less stress on the muscles.

Frequency: 100Hz

Pulswidth: 300µs

Duty Cycle: [1,1], [2,2], [4,2], [4,4], [6,4], [6,6], [8,2], [8,4]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20

Speed - base

Do you want to improve your speed and explosive strength? With this program, you're taking a step in the right direction. This program is suitable for different types of exercises and you can freely choose from a wide range of stimulation intervals (duty cycles).

Frequency: 100Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: [1,1], [2,2], [4,2], [4,4], [6,4], [6,6], [8,2], [8,4]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20

Speed - intensive

A program for advanced users who want to exploit a really intense training stimulus. The high muscle stimulation with a pulse length of 400 µs ensures strong contractions and pushes your body to the limit.\nTip: Start the training at a moderate level and adjust the intensity to your training load.

Frequency: 100Hz

Puls width: 400µs

Duty Cycle: [1,1], [2,2], [4,2], [4,4], [6,4], [6,6], [8,2], [8,4]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20

Endurance - entry

For starting and EMS beginners who want to work on their endurance. With a comparatively low pulse length of 250 µs, your muscles are not put under as much stress. Good for starting and for your first or longer training units.

Frequency: 40Hz

Pulswidth: 250µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20, 25

Endurance - base

Your trusty companion for effective endurance training – or for your favourite sport: Whether running, cycling, boxing, rowing, canoeing, or cross-country skiing: The continuous impulses are ideal for dynamic movements, many sports, and endurance exercises. The program is especially popular with athletes and endurance specialists.

Frequency: 40Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20, 25

Endurance - intensive

The program is suitable for good and sweaty endurance training. A pulse length of 400 µs ensures strong muscle contractions – — one of the most proven Antelope programs. It is more suitable for advanced users, as the strain is quite intense.\nTip: Start the training at a moderate level and adjust the intensity to your training load.

Frequency: 40Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20, 25

Endurance - dynamic

Prevent your muscles from getting used to the stress – without worrying about the EMS program: The dynamic program varies the pulse frequency randomly. At 100 to 110 Hz, you can train your speed like you're used to. Reliably create training stimuli while maintaining your training plan. So allow us to surprise you, and have fun while you are sweating.

Frequency: 100-110Hz

Puls width: 350µs

Duty Cycle: [1,1], [2,2], [4,2], [4,4], [6,4], [6,6], [8,2], [8,4]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20

A middle-aged man regenerates in the mobile EMS suit by Antelope and the Massage Gun from Beurer. He is sitting on the floor and leaning against a stone wall while massaging his right thigh with the turquoise-colored Massage Gun.

5. Regeneration

EMS helps you to recover after a training session or workout. These programs send loosening, relaxing and circulation-enhancing stimulation to your muscles. This is good for your body and promotes recovery.

Support your regeneration with EMS: from active and passive to particularly relaxing recovery units and a massage. We have a wide selection to suit your level of fatigue and your training plan or everyday goals, from beginner to professional.

Our EMS regenerations programmes:

• Regeneration active - base
• Regeneration passve - countdown
• Regeneration active - intensive
• Metabolism
• Regeneration active - countdown
• Mindful Recovery
• Regeneration passive - base
• Massage
• Regeneration passive - intensive

Our EMS programs for your regeneration

Regeneration active - Basis

Active regeneration means setting a noticeable stimulus without putting a heavy strain on the body. The basic program for active recovery has two advantages. Your blood flows more through your muscles and your metabolism gets going. What does this do for you? Your muscles regenerate especially well. The intensity is correspondingly low: 150 µs and 100 Hz.

Frequency: 100Hz

Pulswidth: 150µs

Duty Cycle: [1,1], [2,2]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20, 25

Regeneration active - Intensive

Regeneration is an important part of training. The intensive program for active recovery has a higher intensity than the basic version: 200 µs pulse length and 100 Hertz. This activates the muscles more intensively. The program stimulates your blood circulation and promotes the breakdown of your metabolic products.

Frequency: 100Hz

Pulswidth: 200µs

Duty Cycle: [1,1], [2,2]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20, 25

Passive regeneration, basic

Schudden en loskomen: het programma ondersteunt de bloedsomloop en stofwisseling door het gebruik van zogenaamde schudfrequenties. Je spieren worden gestimuleerd met wisselende frequenties (5 tot 20 Hertz). Omdat er geen volledige spiersamentrekkingen worden opgewekt, voelt het meer als een massage. We raden daarom af om oefeningen te doen als onderdeel van dit programma. Rust dus uit en laat het pak voor je werken.

Frequency: 5-20Hz

Puls width: 350µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 2, 4, 6, 8

Regeneration passive - Intensive

Shake yourself up – and treat your muscles to something special: This comparatively intensive and passive regeneration program has it all. "Shivering" frequencies (5–20 Hz) stimulate your circulation and metabolism. Since it does not trigger full muscle contractions, it feels more like a massage. So we recommend that you do not use this program for doing any exercises. So take it easy and let the suit do the work for you.

Frequency: 5-20Hz

Puls width: 350µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 2, 4, 6, 8

Regeneration active - Countdown

The program helps you regenerate while you do exercises under low strain. From 100 Hz, we continuously reduce the frequency to 60 Hz. Your muscles are activated by a wide range of pulse frequencies. Due to the rather short pulse length of 200 µs, the muscle contractions are not too intense and can promote regeneration.

Frequency: 60-100Hz

Pulswidth: 200µs

Duty Cycle: [1,1]

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20

Regeneration passive - Countdown

Shake out and loosen up: This program allows you to perform passive regeneration. Your muscles are stimulated at descending frequencies (40 to 7 Hz). This stimulates circulation and metabolism. You can relax completely during the program, training is not recommended. Select a period of 3 or 6 minutes.

Frequency: 7-40Hz

Pulswidth: 200µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 3, 6


The metabolism program has two functions: On the one hand, it stimulates your metabolism, and on the other hand, it stimulates the circulation of the skin and the underlying fat layers. A low frequency of 7 Hz is used for this purpose.

Frequency: 7Hz

Pulswidth: 350µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20, 25

Mindful Recovery

Combine mindfulness and recovery with "Mindful Regeneration". A wave of relaxation and regeneration for you: This unique program activates the electrodes one after the other and provides you with a unique experience. Our tip: Play relaxing music, do a breathing or meditation exercise, and let the waves take you away.

Frequency: 50Hz

Pulswidth: 200µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20, 25


Lean back and enjoy the low frequencies with the massage program. It loosens your muscles and promotes regeneration. You also don't have to do any exercises, and can instead concentrate on the stimuli.

Frequency: 1-5Hz

Puls width: 200µs

Duty Cycle: -

Duration (min.): 5, 10, 15, 20, 25

These are the differences between the Antelope programs: the most important key figures

Each program has different settings - you can even control some of them by yourself. But what does that mean?

We focus on versatility

An EMS program for everyone? Sports physician Dr. Lutz Graumann explains why we focus on versatility:

A young man performs a stretch in the mobile EMS suit by Antelope. He is in the yoga position in which the body forms a bridge. The man has dark brown hair and a dark brown beard and is looking focused into the camera. A fitness studio can be seen in the background.
Find the suitable equipment for your training

What are your training goals?

Antelope by beurer offers you a suitable and easy introduction to your EMS training and supports you in your everyday sports routine. No matter which program you choose and what your next goal is - our modular textile system adapts to your routines, favourite sports and fitness goals. Find the right product for your workout now:


Do you have any questions? Then take a look at our FAQs.

We are happy to help you

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Then call us at +49 69 25786744 - We are there for you Mon - Fri from 10 am to 3 pm. Or send us an e-mail to info@antelope.de and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

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