We just love what we do!

We love our sport, the training, workouts and the sweat. We also love flexibility, modern design and good equipment with style. We love trying out new things and pushing boundaries. And that's exactly why we love EMS - because your training can do more! We believe that our work will help you achieve your goals. Regardless of your ambitions and performance level. Antelope supports you with the right EMS equipment, a lot of passion and a lot of heart and soul. We listen to your wishes and are happy to hear from anyone who wants to join us on our journey.

Let’s change sports – let’s change lifes

We all fight for something that drives us. Some train to finally hit the ground running, others to come back or regain what they've lost. No matter what you are training for or how ambitious your goals are, train with passion, believe in yourself and your goals.

Achieving your best performance also means breaking through your own limits. So make your training something special and get as much out of it as you can. Why? Because the next level drives you and because good is not always good enough.

So be smart and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. Use the best techniques and methods, the best equipment to achieve your goals. Share your experiences with people who share your passion. Whether athletes, training partners, coaches or role models.

The Antelope logo can be seen in black. It shows the digitally drawn head of an antelope.

Unabhängig von deinem Ziel – ob du abnehmen willst, dich gerade von einer Verletzung erholst, den nächsten Wettkampf gewinnen oder fit im Alltag werden willst. Was auch immer dich gerade fordert - du kannst über dich hinauswachsen. 

Erinnere dich daran: Du bist mehr als deine Erfolge und Niederlagen. Du bist das Ergebnis deiner Reise und deiner Ziele. Jeder braucht auf diesem Weg einmal Unterstützung und wir alle stehen immer wieder vor scheinbar unüberwindbaren Herausforderungen. Der Umgang mit ihnen definiert aber, wer wir sind, wer du bist. 

Also mach dich auf den Weg, lass dich nicht aufhalten und verwirkliche deine Träume - mit Antelope als verlässliche Unterstützung an deiner Seite.

The picture shows four people sitting together at a table in an office. They are discussing a project, a young man is holding a tablet in his hands.

Where are all the creatives, the game changers and future makers?

We invite all makers and dreamers to join us!

For us, team spirit is more than just an idea - it is our conviction. Together we can push boundaries, make the impossible possible and change lives. Having started out as an innovative start-up, we are now a proud part of the Beurer family, a family business with over 100 years of experience in the field of wellness and health. And thus ideally positioned to achieve our common goal: To make a decisive difference and make a difference.

And that is exactly why we love our jobs and enjoy coming to work every day. Our products have a positive impact on many people's lives and help them to make a difference for themselves.

A conviction as a vocation

Our goal is to be the most passionate EMS brand we can be. To do this, we develop, test and sell the best products we can - all with the best service and support. Join us and make our journey your own success story. We look forward to your inspiration!

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