Hybrid training for greater customer satisfaction

The requirements for modern training concepts are changing, and we are convinced that the demand for flexible solutions will continue to increase in the future. With growing time pressure and the need for flexibility in everyday life, it is becoming increasingly challenging to reconcile sport and work-life balance. Young families and working people in particular often have busy schedules that make going to the gym a time-consuming endeavor.

Two young women perform a fitness exercise with dumbbells in the mobile EMS suit from Antelope. They are squatting next to each other and holding the dumbbells up with one arm while smiling. A fitness studio can be seen in the background.

The future of flexible workouts

For us, the answer to these challenges lies in hybrid forms of training. These enable workouts on site in the studio, outdoors, at home or when travelling - in short, easy to integrate into everyday life and from a single source. And this is exactly where Antelope's EMS systems can show their full strength.

The basis is a contact point or a trainer who provides on-site support, draws up training plans, introduces the EMS equipment and accompanies the exercises in group or individual courses. Customers can decide for themselves how often they want to use the on-site programme.

The basis is a contact point or a trainer who provides on-site support, draws up training plans, introduces the EMS equipment and accompanies the exercises in group or individual courses. Customers can decide for themselves how often they want to use the on-site program.

In addition, the training plans created by the trainers and the Antelope Go App enable EMS training anywhere - whether at home or on the go. The compact EMS training suits ar easy to take with you, so the equipment is always available. Whether through the app, your own online courses or training videos - the support and service go beyond local offers.

Are you a fitness trainer and want to offer your customers a flexible and effective training concept? Then our hybrid training concept is the ideal solution. With our concept, you can look after clients in the studio as well as at home or outdoors, allowing you to offer personalized and varied training.

The combination of several fitness environments is popular

The results of a study by Deloitte illustrate the widespread use of various fitness environments:

"In which environments do you practise fitness?"

Note: n=635 in Germany. Source: EuropeActive Consumer Survey 2022 based on Deloitte study: The German fitness market 2022.

Our hybrid training concept is based on the following elements:

Studio training: Your customers experience an intensive and motivating workout in the studio at least once a week. The personal contact, individualised assistance and wide range of courses create a unique atmosphere. You give personal feedback, correct postures and techniques and continuously adapt the training to progress.

Home training: Once a week, your customers train with a customized training plan, online course or other form of guidance that you have provided. Your customers can adapt their training extremely flexibly to their schedule, location and mood - whether at home, on holiday or on a business trip. You stay in touch, check training results online, and are available to answer questions.

Outdoor training and sport-specific training: In addition to studio and home training, you can also offer outdoor training with Antelope to incorporate the natural environment and add variety to your training. From jogging, cycling, hiking, tennis and golf to boot camps and company events, there are no limits to your creativity.

Eine Grafik verdeutlicht mit Icons die Optionen an Umgebungen, an denen Fitness ausgeübt werden kann.

A young woman is helping a young man with a stretching exercise while both are wearing the mobile EMS suit from Antelope. The woman stands to the left of the man, who is sitting on the floor, and helps him to improve his stretching exercise. A fitness studio can be seen in the background.

With Antelope's hybrid training concepts, you offer your customers a fantastic combination of professional support, individual customization and flexible design. This increases satisfaction, loyalty to you and your concept and is guaranteed to be worth recommending to your worth a recommendation for the next customer.

Arrange an appointment now!

Wenn du mehr über unser hybrides Trainingskonzept erfahren willst, sind wir gerne persönlich für dich da. Wir beraten dich und zeigen dir, wie du unser Konzept in deinem Studio umsetzen kannst. Das geht ganz schnell unter sparringspartner@antelope.de.

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