Whether it's fitness exercises, yoga or a walk - our tips will help you on your way to a healthy back

Put an end to back pain: simple exercises for working from home and in the office

Working from home has changed the everyday working lives of many of us. The journey to work leads from the bed directly to the sofa with the laptop - a nice benefit at first glance. The dining table at home serves as an office with a wooden chair. The canteen, aka kitchen, is right next to it. Everything in one place sounds good. However, it can quickly become stressful when work and private life increasingly merge. And in some cases, our days are now even more sedentary than they already were in the office. This is also shown by a Forsa survey commissioned by DAK, a German health insurance: 44 per cent of Germans move significantly less since working from home. But it doesn't matter whether you work from home or in the office: Lack of exercise, stress and poor posture at work are factors that can favour back pain.

A man performs simple stretching exercises with the EMS suit from Antelope to relieve tension in her back.

Working from home offers you many opportunities to compensate for sitting all day. Use the time you gain in the morning for a walk or a regular workout. Integrate small back exercises into your daily routine and take breaks in between - you can also do this together with your colleagues in the office. Our EMS products can help you do this. We'll show you exactly how EMS training works.

4 reasons why back training is important

According to a study, eight out of ten people are affected by back pain. A good one in ten report more frequent complaints since working from home has become the new normal. Back training is therefore more important than ever:

  1. Improve posture: Strong back muscles promote a healthy posture. If they are too weak, the risk of poor posture increases. This can put excessive strain on the lumbar spine and cause back pain.
  2. Avoid injuries: Regular back training contributes significantly to the stability of the spine and can therefore reduce the risk of injury during everyday movements.
  3. Improve athletic performance: Good core stability is essential for many sports in order to optimise physical performance. The core includes the muscles around the abdomen, lower back, hips and pelvis.
  4. Reduce stress: Exercise can help to reduce symptoms of stress such as tension in the body. This has a positive effect on general well-being.

With EMS from Antelope, you can work out according to your goals. Do you want to move more and prevent back pain? EMS can help you strengthen your back muscles. Recent studies show that EMS training can have a positive effect here.

Requirements for your EMS training

If you have acute back pain without a diagnosis, you may not train with EMS without written medical authorisation or an independent declaration. You can find more information on contraindications here.

10 back exercises to do at home

Choose five to six exercises and perform them for 40 to 60 seconds each. You can also increase the duration and choose fewer exercises. Take a short break between each exercise. Rest for one minute at the end of each round and complete a total of three to four rounds.

How to combine our EMS products with your back training

The motto is: move, move, move. This starts by varying your sitting posture at your desk. The German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health advises changing your position two to four times an hour. You can easily integrate targeted back exercises into your daily routine: for example, in the form of a morning workout or short exercises in between. A sports programme of 20 minutes is enough. Intensify your training at home or in the office with ourv Corefit II EMS belt, for example - the EMS belt is always ready for use. If you prefer to relax, use our EMS tank top for a short yoga session during your lunch break. Various yoga poses strengthen your back muscles and at the same time help to relieve muscular tension or stiffness.

A man and a woman pause their walk in the Antelope EMS suit to stretch.

Walking helps against back pain: this is the result of an Australian study. A walk is the ideal way to compensate for a long commute to work or to recover in the fresh air after a long day at the office. A short walk with our EMS programmes for regeneration helps you to reduce stress and get fit for the next day. Or how about a trigger point massage at the end of the day? Use our BOOM Massage Gun on the sofa in the evening, for example. You can use the massage gun precisely where the tension is located. The U-shaped head attachment is specially designed for the lower back to reach deep muscle tissue.

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