Fit at work: 6 exercises for tension

We've all been there: when working at our desks, we often realise how slouched and crooked our posture is in front of our laptops. So it's no wonder that tension in the back crops up again and again and becomes a nuisance in everyday life. But with a busy schedule, it's difficult to tackle these complaints. Or is there a way to do something good for your back with little effort? Our answer is: Yes!

A man uses the EMS suit from Antelope to stretch his back muscles in his home office.

Intensify your stretching with EMS from Antelope

Mit der EMS Kleidung von Antelope intensivierst du die Dehnübungen und holst noch mehr aus deiner Stretching-Session heraus. Ob EMS Anzug, Shirt oder Tank Top – an all unseren EMS Oberteilen befinden sich Elektroden am Rücken, die einen elektrischen Impuls an deine Muskulatur senden. So werden deine natürlichen Trainingsprozesse im Körper unterstützt und deine Durchblutung angeregt. Also, worauf wartest du? Schnapp dir deine EMS Kleidung und nimm dir 6 Minuten Zeit, um deinem Rücken etwas Gutes zu tun.

Take a look at our stretching exercises for the back muscles

For anyone who wants to do something good for their back with little time and effort. In our video, personal trainer Christoph shows you 6 simple stretching exercises that can help to balance out your back in stressful everyday life.

One icon shows a person circling their shoulder.

Exercise 1: Shoulder circles (1 minute)

Sit upright on your desk chair and place your hands loosely on your thighs. Now slowly circle both shoulders from front to back. After 30 seconds, change direction and circle your shoulders from back to front, also for 30 seconds.

One icon shows a person stretching their neck.

Exercise 2: Neck stretch (4 x 15 seconds)

Remain sitting upright on your desk chair. Now let your head fall to the right side while continuing to look forwards. With your right hand, you can carefully strengthen the stretch by pulling your head slightly to the side. Hold the stretch on both sides twice for 15 seconds each.

One icon shows a person stretching their chest.

Exercise 3: Chest Opener (1 minute)

Continue to sit upright in your chair. Fold your two hands together behind your head so that you are supporting your head with both hands. Now carefully bring your head down so that your chin is almost resting on your décolleté and you are looking downwards. Then slowly bring your head back up to an upright position. Repeat this several times.

One icon shows a person performing a cat hump as a stretching exercise.

Exercise 4: Cat hump (1 minute)

Now grab a sports mat or another comfortable surface and get into a quadruped position. Round your back as far as possible so that you form a cat hump. Look towards your stomach as you do this. Then slowly arch your back in a quadruped position while looking forwards. Repeat this several times.

One icon shows a person in a quadruped position, stretching their left arm and right foot upwards at the same time.

Exercise 5: Arm and leg lift (1 minute)

Remain in a quadruped position. Now move your right arm away from the mat and stretch it forwards while your left leg is extended upwards. Then bring your right arm and left leg together below your stomach so that they are slightly touching. Your gaze follows your arm. Do this for 30 seconds and then switch sides for another 30 seconds.

One icon shows a person twisting their upper body in a quadruped position.

Exercise 6: Turn up your upper body (1 minute)

Come into a quadruped position and make sure that your hands are on the floor below your shoulders. Then stretch your right hand upwards to the right, your gaze following your hand. Then switch sides. Perform the exercise for 60 seconds.

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