Strong with Christoph: kickboxing course with EMS

Are you looking for a workout that will make you strong and feel confident? Christoph Rüsseler is a personal trainer and has created such a YouTube workout for us. You can expect kickboxing exercises for beginners that you can train with the EMS suit by Antelope without any other equipment. You will progress from workout to workout within 6 weeks. It is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their self-defence and fitness, or simply want to have fun.

Personal trainer Christoph benefits from the advantages of Antelope's EMS suit for kickboxing.

Kickboxing with EMS: this is how Christoph works out

Christoph has been a personal trainer since 2011. He has a master's degree in sports medicine and clinical exercise physiology and is qualified as a boxing, cardio sports and nutrition trainer, among other things. His motivation for training is: "you can never know where your limit is if you haven't even reached it." Christoph therefore knows exactly how to make other people sweat. He has already had positive experiences with the EMS suit by Antelope. ‘Training with the EMS suit has improved my muscular and mental development," reports Christoph. "I reach my performance limit after just a short interval training session, even when I'm not very motivated. In the end, the suit carries me to the finish."

Work out together with Christoph!

Let's get started: Start today with the workout series he has developed for Antelope. You can expect kickboxing exercises for beginners that will make you feel confident.

Who is the course suitable for? For anyone who wants to train their fitness and also strengthen their self-defence.

Personal trainer Christoph uses the EMS suit from Antelope for kickboxing training.

Kickboxing and EMS for beginners on YouTube

Over the next 6 weeks, you will face a challenge. Our YouTube course ‘Strong with Christoph’ is specially designed for training with Antelope EMS clothing.

How the course works:

  • The course lasts 6 weeks.
  • Within seven days, you should train twice with each of these videos and the course starts less intense and then becomes more difficult from week to week.
  • Your EMS workout will only last 10 to twenty minutes at a time. But the exercises are tough. EMS training may be short, but it is just as strenuous as a challenging workout in the gym. Thanks to the efficient electrostimulation of your EMS clothing, you save a lot of time.
Personal trainer Christoph performs a kickboxing exercise in the Antelope EMS suit.

Week 1:

You start slowly with the EMS training: you complete the workout in two rounds within ten minutes. Together, we work on your balance.

1st exercise: side crunch

2nd exercise: squats + kick

3rd exercise: kicks left

4th exercise: kicks right

Power exercise: shadow boxing

Personal trainer Christoph performs a kickboxing exercise in the Antelope EMS suit.

Week 2:

This week we will increase the training to 15 minutes. You will perform 6 exercises used in kickboxing twice.

1st exercise: sidecrunch with uppercut

2nd exercise: chest press

3rd exercise: squats with jumps

4th exercise: front to sidekick left

5th exercise: front to sidekick right

6th exercise: boxer run

Personal trainer Christoph performs a kickboxing exercise in the Antelope EMS suit.

Woche 3:

In two rounds, you will train your whole body with kicks and punches. This will improve your self-defence skills and build up your strength.

1st exercise: front to sidekick left + punches

2nd exercise: front to sidekick right + punches

3rd exercise: sidecrunch

4th exercise: lunge left with twist

5th exercise: right lunge with twist

6th exercise: push ups

Power exercise: punch combination + jump squats

Personal trainer Christoph performs a kickboxing exercise in the Antelope EMS suit.

Week 4:

You're halfway through. Now you can safely manage 20 minutes of training! This week you'll train your core with kickboxing exercises.

1st exercise: punch combination with uppercut

2nd exercise: side kicks left without lowering

3rd exercise: side kicks right without lowering

4th exercise: crunch with uppercut and hook left

5th exercise: crunch with uppercut and hook right

6th exercise: four-footed stance pulsing

7th exercise: four-footed stance pulsing (change sides)

8th exercise: plank with side rotation

Power exercise: shadow boxing

Personal trainer Christoph performs a kickboxing exercise in the Antelope EMS suit.

Week 5:

This week we'll make you sweat again! In 20 minutes, you will train 4 exercises that are repeated four times. You'll work out with burpees and a boxing exercise and do something for your fitness.

1st exercise: burpees

2nd exercise: lunges backwards

3rd exercise: standing crunch + 5 punches

4th exercise: shoulder press

Power exercises: shadow boxing + uppercut with hook

Personal trainer Christoph performs a kickboxing exercise in the Antelope EMS suit.

Week 6:

You've almost made it: only two more training sessions to go! It's going to be really tough again. You train four times 4 exercises. This week, the focus is once again on improving your kickboxing skills and fitness. Give everything in the final spurt!

1st exercise: shadow boxing with kicks

2nd exercise: jump squats

3rd exercise: knee push-ups

4th exercise: crunches - tap to calf

Power exercises: arm bend + kicks

Would you like to take another course?

Then we have just the thing for you: The EMS course with tennis player and fitness trainer Sophia on our YouTube channel. Fitness exercises for beginners based on tennis training await you there. You will improve with the workouts within 6 weeks. This works for both tennis and fitness enthusiasts!

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