Intensify your core workout with EMS training

Targeted abdominal and back training with EMS promotes a strong core and helps you to improve your performance.

A man does an abdominal workout with the Corefit 2 EMS belt from Antelope for defined abdominal muscles.

Wenn du Einkäufe trägst, eine Runde durch den Wald spazierst oder Fußball spielst – all diese Bewegungen erleichtert dir ein starker Rumpf. Eine stabile Körpermitte fördert außerdem eine gesunde Haltung und hält dich im Gleichgewicht. Ist die Rumpfmuskulatur zu schwach, steigt das Risiko für Fehlhaltungen. Das kann die Lendenwirbelsäule übermäßig belasten und Rückenschmerzen verursachen.

Die Körpermitte wird im Sport auch als Core bezeichnet und bedeutet übersetzt Kern. Der Core umfasst die Muskulatur rund um den Bauch, den unteren Rücken, die Hüften und das Becken. Core Training zielt darauf ab, diese Muskeln zu stärken – unsere Corefit EMS Gürtel können dich dabei unterstützen. Elektrische Impulse stimulieren dabei ganz gezielt Muskelgruppen und intensivieren so deine Workouts. Wir erklären dir, wie genau EMS Training funktioniert.

When you're carrying the shopping, walking through the woods or playing soccer - a strong core makes all these movements easier. A stable core also promotes a healthy posture and keeps you balanced. If your core muscles are too weak, the risk of poor posture increases. This can put excessive strain on the lumbar spine and cause back pain.
In sport, the middle of the body is also known as the core. The core includes the muscles around the abdomen, lower back, hips and pelvis. Core training aims to strengthen these muscles - our Corefit EMS belts can help you do this. Electrical impulses stimulate specific muscle groups to intensify your workouts. We explain how EMS training exactly works.

Why core training is important in sport

A strong core is essential for various ball sports, but also for boxing, horse riding and skiing, for example. Research shows that targeted core training can improve athletes' performance. Why is that? When you exert force, it is transferred from one part of the body to another. This happens via so-called muscle chains, a network of tendons, fascia and muscle groups. In most movements, your muscles work together and rarely in isolation from each other. Your core plays a central role in this. It connects the muscle chains together. Taking a running start and throwing a ball? Power is transferred from your legs to your arms. This movement benefits from a strong and stable core.

No matter what sport you're passionate about, with EMS from Antelope you can train in line with your goals. Do you want to get fit or take your athletic performance to the next level? EMS can help you. Overcome your limits again and again. Our various programs are suitable for sports beginners as well as professionals.

You can find out more about the scientific situation regarding training with EMS in our study overview.

11 core exercises for a strong center

We'll show you effective exercises for your core that you can easily intensify with the Corefit EMS belts. Choose five to six exercises and perform them for 40 to 60 seconds each. Take a short break between each exercise. Rest for one minute at the end of each round and complete a total of three to four rounds.

Eine Frau macht eine Pause vom Core Workout mit dem Corefit II EMS Gürtel von Antelope.

How to combine your core workout with our EMS products

You can easily integrate many core exercises into your daily routine. Let the sports program become part of your morning or evening routine. Short workouts of 20 minutes are enough. For example, use the EMS Tank Top for a short yoga session during your lunch break. Various yoga poses require a strong and stable core. This is why they directly target the abdominal muscles, lower back and hip muscles. Or use the Corefit I and Corefit II to intensify a short abdominal workout in the living room. The EMS belt can help to strengthen your core and back muscles - and make you feel more comfortable in your own body. 

Start your core training with EMS from Antelope today

Ob im Fitnessstudio oder zu Hause – trainiere mit EMS einfach dort, wo du möchtest. Unser Kundenservice berät dich gerne zur Antelope Go App und zu unserer EMS Kleidung. Die Passform unserer EMS Textilien ist genau auf die Proportionen von Frauen und Männern zugeschnitten. So setzen die Elektroden an den notwendigen Stellen intensive Trainingsimpulse.

Corefit I EMS Belt
Corefit I EMS Belt
  • EMS training of the central and lateral abdominal muscles 
  • Simple to use, immediately ready for use, flexible abdominal circumference (approx. 70 - 140 cm) 
  • 9 training programmes (20 - 30 min.) with individually adjustable intensity
This represents a price comparison and NOT a price reduction or discount. "Recommended retail price" is the price at which Beurer recommends retailers to sell.
In stock
Corefit II EMS Belt
Corefit II EMS Belt
  • EMS training of the central abdominal muscles and lower back muscles
  • Simple to use, immediately ready for use, flexible abdominal circumference (approx. 75 - 130 cm)
  • 9 training programmes (20 - 30 min.) with individually adjustable intensity
This represents a price comparison and NOT a price reduction or discount. "Recommended retail price" is the price at which Beurer recommends retailers to sell.
In stock

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