Muscle building with EMS supports you on the way to an active, healthy everyday life

Fit in old age with EMS training

We all want to get older and stay fit and healthy at the same time. For this to happen, you need exercise and strong muscles, especially if you are over 50 and perhaps no longer feel as fit as you used to be. The body starts to lose muscle as we get older, and many people are less mobile or lose stability. EMS training at home is a good way to counteract the ageing process and promote fitness and well-being. You gain more strength and endurance and are guaranteed not to get rusty.

One woman and one man are satisfied with EMS training from Antelope.

Performance and muscle building for seniors

When their joints ache and crunch, or they feel unsteady when walking, many people automatically move a little less. Some then prefer to take the lift instead of the stairs or even the car for short journeys. This is also shown by a Forsa survey commissioned by DAK, a German health insurance company: more than 50 per cent of Germans over 60 are not physically active enough.
Yet the body benefits from exercise in many ways:

  • it slows down muscle atrophy
  • those who do a lot of sport throughout their lives have a more active immune system
  • endurance and muscle training reduces the risk of diabetes

Exercise and training are therefore real all-purpose tools. And not just for the body, but also for the mind, because sport can also simply put you in a good mood.

Which sport is also suitable for older people?

The good news is that even moderate exercise can influence the ageing process according to sports scientists at the University of Frankfurt. A healthy mix of strength training for seniors and endurance sports is best. Even a long walk with the dog or regular gardening will keep you mobile and fit. On the other hand, you should work on your muscle strength with targeted exercises. It is important that you adapt your sports programme to your individual requirements. And this is where the flexibility of Antelope products really pays off. You can use them during your daily routines and supplement them with training sessions. This is particularly efficient, gentle and time-saving. Even short additional workouts of 20 minutes are enough.

Let the sports programme become part of your morning or evening routine and choose exercises that are good for you and, above all, fun, whether it's a short seated workout with the EMS tank top or a yoga session with the long EMS suit by Antelope. It's never late to start!

A man trains outdoors with the EMS suit from Antelope and stretches in the process.

EMS training for seniors: get fit with Antelope

There are good reasons why EMS is particularly suitable for senior citizens. Firstly, it is easy on your joints: the electrical impulses intensively work your muscles without you having to put any additional strain on them, for example with weights. This means that people with limited mobility can also use EMS and build up new strength after rehab, for example. Training with Antelope EMS textiles also helps to counteract various age-related complaints particularly effectively, such as back pain.

Requirements for your EMS training

Some contraindications prevent you from training with EMS: These include, for example, heart rhythm disorders or type 1 diabetes. You can find out if EMS is suitable for you and everything you need to know before start training with your Antelope textiles here.

This is what EMS can achieve

The EMS products by Antelope help you to lead a healthy lifestyle. You can find out more about the scientific findings in our study overview.

Convince yourself with the 30-day money-back guarantee

Test the EMS products from Antelope now for 30 days. If you are not satisfied, you can return the products within the trial period and we will refund the purchase price. Our customer service team will be happy to advise you on which product suits you and your goals before you buy. Simply call us on +49 69 25786744. We are here for you Mon - Fri from 10 am to 3 pm. Or email us at, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

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