More than just building muscles: with EMS training at home, you can promote typical female training goals

Shape your abs, legs and buttocks, support recovery or cycle-based training with EMS

Do you want to train specific problem areas, exercise in harmony with your cycle, combat menopausal symptoms or get fit again quickly after the birth of your child? EMS training has many advantages for women. It additionally stimulates your muscles and works them effectively. This pays dividends in terms of strength and endurance and helps you lose weight.

One illustration shows that a sports bra is integrated into the fabric of the Antelope EMS shirt.

EMS clothing for women

Unisex is passé: we have tailored the fit of our Antelope EMS textiles precisely to female proportions and have also integrated a sports bra into the shirts, so everything stays in place, and you feel comfortable during training. Also important: you'll look great in our EMS shirts, tank tops, suits and leggings. The muscle strands also run differently in women than in men. That's why we have adapted the position, size and shape of the electrodes. Our EMS products provide intensive training impulses in the necessary areas.

A woman performs a back workout with the Antelope EMS suit in a fitness centre.

Mit EMS Bauch, Beine und Po trainieren

Flacher Bauch, schlanke Beine und dazu ein knackiger Po: Mit einem Training, das auf deine Problemzonen ausgerichtet ist, erzielst du gleich mehrere Effekte auf einmal.

Lass dich von unseren EMS Produkten unterstützen: Die Impulse machen dein Workout spürbar intensiver! Und du kannst die Schwerpunkte deines Trainings durch die ausgewählte Muskelgruppen gezielt anpassen und so deine Ziele ganz genau verfolgen.

Produkt-Tipp: Du wünschst dir einen Sommerbody und willst Bauch, Beine und Po EMS-unterstützt trainieren? Wir empfehlen dir für sehenswerte Ergebnisse die Leggings im Anzug

EMS for abs, legs and buttocks: how often should you train?

We recommend that you train your abs, legs and buttocks 2 to 3 times a week for around 20 to 30 minutes. Use your Antelope EMS textiles once a week for this.

EMS Training in den Wechseljahren

Are you going through the menopause? This means a big change for your body. The hormones are to blame. Oestrogen levels are now falling. This can result in hot flushes, sleep disorders and sweating, among other things. The body loses muscle mass and you have reduced energy consumption. But that's not all: if the natural protection provided by oestrogen is lost, the risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, lipometabolic disorders, type 2 diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis also increases. It is therefore all the more important to take countermeasures. Studies prove it: with regular exercise, you can improve your quality of life, maintain your weight more easily and alleviate or even avoid menopausal symptoms.

A woman uses the benefits of EMS training for her yoga workouts.

Our tip: uring the menopause, we recommend training endurance as well as strength, balance and flexibility. Yoga is recommended, for example. For good results, train with Antelope EMS textiles. This way you also stimulate the deep muscles.

EMS and recovery

Have you had a baby? Congratulations! For your body, pregnancy and birth are associated with peak performance. In order for it to regain its original stability and strength, you should start your recovery six to eight weeks after the birth. EMS training is also possible again from this point onwards. We know that you have a busy schedule as a mum. It is therefore all the more important that your fitness training does not take up too much time and still strengthens many muscles at the same time. EMS can help you to gently rebuild your pelvic floor muscles. Current studies show that full-body EMS training has a positive effect here. Electrical impulses stimulate the pelvic floor. Another advantage: EMS training helps you to lose a few excess pregnancy pounds

A woman performs a home workout with EMS training from Antelope.

EMS Training mit Periode?

Auch während deiner Menstruation ist ein EMS Training möglich. Falls du Unterleibsschmerzen hast, regle die Stimulation der Bauchmuskulatur herunter oder verzichte ganz darauf. Konzentriere dich bei deinem Workout mehr auf Entspannung und weniger auf Kraftübungen.

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