Lose weight healthily with a mix of strength and cardio
Endurance training is a good way to burn extra calories. You can also achieve your goals with strength training. Choose exercises that you enjoy - or combine strength and endurance training, for example in a HIIT workout (High Intensity Interval Training).
The number on the scale isn't everything. Instead, make sure that you feel comfortable in your body. You may gain weight at the beginning due to strength training. But don't worry: this is mostly pure muscle mass.
Strengthen your body and lose weight with endurance and strength training
Your body generally burns slightly more calories during endurance training, also known as cardio training, than during strength training. The exact value depends on a number of factors, such as the intensity of the training and your physical condition. Cardio training is particularly beneficial in everyday life. It strengthens your cardiovascular system and improves your stamina and fitness. Overall, you will feel more energised and fitter.
Electrical impulses support weight loss
When you move, your muscles contract. They need stimuli to do this. The nervous system transmits these from the brain to the muscles via the nerve pathways in the spinal cord. EMS training supplements this natural process from the outside: it increases the stimulation of the muscles through electrical impulses and thus intensifies the contractions. EMS can therefore promote muscle growth and support and supplement your training. With the Antelope suit, you work almost all the main muscle groups at the same time. EMS also reaches deeper areas that are otherwise difficult to activate. Short 20-minute training sessions are enough. They make your training extra efficient, and you can achieve your weight loss goals more easily.