How you can strengthen your back muscles with EMS

Three quarters of all Germans suffer from back pain at least once a year. This is also the reason for more than 35 million sick days taken by employees every year. Health insurance companies, fitness studios and personal trainers have long recognized the problem of back pain: There are now many prevention programs for back health. And EMS can also help you on your way to a pain-free everyday life.

A woman does back training with an EMS personal trainer to build muscle.

The benefits of EMS for your back training

Back pain can manifest itself in different ways. For example, some people complain of discomfort in the upper back, while others experience pain in the lower back. Anyone suffering from back pain that is severe or recurrent should first consult a doctor. This way it can be ruled out that a disease is causing the back pain.

EMS (electro-muscle stimulation) can contribute to the targeted strengthening and training of the back. This uses the body's own principle, in which bioelectric impulses are transmitted from the brain to the muscles. With EMS, this works via special functional clothing with electrodes that deliver electrical impulses directly to the muscle groups in the exercise and physical activity are recommended for back pain - also to prevent the symptoms. Resting, for example by sitting or lying down a lot, does not necessarily help to alleviate symptoms during persistent pain. On the contrary, stretching the body can provide relief.

Tips for a healthy back in everyday life

EMS training with Antelope is flexible, effective, easy on the joints and time-saving. Thanks to the mobile EMS clothing, it can be integrated anywhere and at any time - at home, on the move or when traveling. The electrodes are controlled via the booster, which is attached to the EMS clothing. These are located on the arms, chest, stomach, back and thighs of the EMS suit. During training, the intensity of the electrical impulses can be adjusted via the Antelope Go app. This means that no stationary EMS device or cables are required.

Exercise and targeted training to strengthen the back muscles are important prerequisites for a healthy back. But there are other things that can keep your back healthy in everyday life:

  • Maintain your posture: A varied posture is important and healthy for the back. Sitting at a desk for several hours a day can be particularly hard on the back. The motto is: change your sitting position regularly instead of staring at the screen in a hunched posture. Get up from time to time and walk around or even work standing up - even such seemingly small changes can make a big difference.
  • Lift, squat and bend correctly: These are movements that can put a lot of strain on the back, especially if they are not performed correctly. It is particularly important not to carry, pick up or put down weights that are too heavy. A stable starting position when bending the knees and hips and stabilizing the upper body can be fundamental prerequisites.
  • Pay attention to the sleeping position: The sleeping position is another important aspect when it comes to back health. Alternating between a supine and lateral position is a good idea.

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